Welcome to my new website!

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Welcome to my new website!

“Hypnosis is not mind control, it’s a naturally occurring state of concentration: it’s actually a means of enhancing control over both your mind and body”

– Dr.David Spiegel, Chair of Psychiatric
Stanford University School of Medicine

Hypnosis is a powerful and gentle way to bring about the positive changes you want to make in your life. What’s more, the changes will occur in a way that feels natural and that ends that constant internal battle that seems to go on whenever you’ve tried to change before.

Hello everyone, my name is Korey Snider. I am 27 years old and currently live in Plattsville Ontario. I am a Certified Hypnotist and NLP Practitioner graduating in the summer of 2015 from the Ontario Hypnosis Centre School in Toronto. This is my first blog post and I wanted to create this blog to inform readers on the real mechanics of hypnosis and how it works.

I  am going to be blogging about the latest research, stories, items appearing in the news, related books I’ve read and about how the various tools and techniques I use in therapy work. I also like to pass on any tips that could help you succeed in making any of those changes you’ve been thinking of. I hope at least some of what I write makes you think — that’s always a good way to kick off a change of some sort!

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